Our Mission:

Street Medics Austin (SMA) is a community-led, community-focused nonprofit organization committed to providing accessible medical care, education, and support to underserved communities and those who wish to peaceably assemble in the Austin area. We strive to achieve this mission by providing free and accessible medical training, in-person support for individuals engaged in 1st amendment protected activities, and emergency medical care to people in need.

Latest Information

Street Medics Austin Achieves 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status

We are thrilled to announce that Street Medics Austin has been officially recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity. This is a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn’t have reached this point without the support and trust of our community. The Journey to Approval The application…

Pride without Prejudice: SMA attends Round Rock Community Celebration

Pride, Preparedness, and Rainbow Patches As the vibrant colors of Round Rock Pride 2023 began to fade into the evening, we at Street Medics Austin found ourselves reflecting on the day. The celebration of love, identity, and diversity was filled with joy and excitement, and we were there to ensure everyone’s health and well-being. Our…

Street Medics Austin is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 88-3680445. Donations are tax-deductible.

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